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Service for Sprinkler Systems in Northern Utah

Oberg Irrigation wants your lawn irrigation needs well-taken care of, which is why we offer a comprehensive selection of services for sprinkler systems in Bountiful, UT. Residents and businesses of the Davis, Weber, and Salt Lake counties can trust us for service that benefits your systems year-round. We make every project a custom job based around your specific needs to make sure you’re fully satisfied with the final product.

A Sprinkler Spraying Water Forcefully on a Green Grass in Bountiful, UT

Our Collection of Services

For high-quality service and care for your sprinkler system, Oberg offers a variety of professional services for residents throughout the Davis, Weber and Salt Lake counties. We’ll gladly help you with any of the following:

  • Sprinkler Installation – Have a new sprinkler system expertly installed on your property to regulate your watering and ensure your landscape receives sufficient hydration.
  • Sprinkler Repairs – Skillful repairs for your sprinkler system help to make sure that little problems don’t grow into significant issues and major issues get taken care of.
  • Drip Line Installations – Conserve water while caring for your vegetation with drip lines to keep plants hydrated without wasting resources and running up your water bill.
  • Head to Drip Change Outs – Change your sprinkler heads to accommodate a drip line system and save on your water usage while giving your plant life what it needs.
  • Sprinkler System Remodels – If you have an older or outdated sprinkler system that doesn’t fulfill your lawn care needs, consider a remodel to update your system.
  • Sprinkler Winterizations – Get your sprinkler system ready for the cold winter months with our winterization services to preserve your system’s condition and avoid future issues.
  • Sprinkler Spring Start-Ups – When the weather gets warmer, it’s time to ready your sprinkler system for operation so it can effectively water your lawn and landscape.
  • Sprinkler Consultations – If you’re a do-it-yourselfer and you need expert advice on fixing or updating your sprinkler system, our consultation service will keep you informed on the best practices.

Choose Excellence for Your Sprinkler Services

If you require any of these custom services for your property, don’t hesitate to give us a call today. Let us keep your Bountiful, UT sprinkler system running at its best. You can also request a consultation and benefit from our highly-knowledgeable team of sprinkler specialists.

Get Custom Service at a Fair Price Today!